
Lhodrak Kharchu Monastery

At our institution, we are committed to providing a stimulating learning environment that enriches Buddhist philosophy education. Our primary focus is on fostering personal and intellectual growth in our students, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and pursue meaningful careers, even if they leave the ordination. We believe that every individual has growth potential and that our responsibility as educators is to encourage this growth and provide the tools necessary to achieve it. We are dedicated to creating a culture of learning and growth that is tailored to the needs of each student. Our top-notch services are designed to support our community in every way possible, whether it be through academic excellence, spiritual development, or emotional …


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Namkhai Nyingpos

Namkhai Nyingpo was a revered bhikshu who dedicated his life to the practice of fierce yogic discipline in the grand cave of Lhodrak Kharchu. His unwavering devotion led him to achieve Siddhi and receive teachings and empowerment from an Indian Master named Humkara. Through his divination skills, he saved King Trisong Deutsen from illness, earning him respect and admiration from many. However, his good deeds did not go unnoticed by the Queen and Bon ministers, who exiled him from his homeland. Despite being forced to leave, Namkhai Nyingpo remained steadfast in his devotion and had a vision of a Wisdom Dakini, which led him to disguise himself as a mendicant to locate her. During his lifetime, he composed many tunes attributed to various puja incantations, which continue to inspire and move people to this day. He also performed miraculous feats, including holding the sun still, displaying his attainment beyond physics. Namkhai Nyingpo’s aspirations for the benefit of all beings continue to inspire us today. His journey serves as a reminder that dedication, perseverance, and faith can lead us to achieve great things in life, regardless of the challenges we may face.

7th generation
